Recycled Weekly Appointment Book Ruled without Appointment Times, 8.75 x 6.88, Black Cover, 12-Month (Jan to Dec): 2024

  • Full-week view on each one-page spread with open-schedule ruling for appointments.
  • Columnar format provides one column per weekday and one for Saturday and Sunday combined.
  • Features printed monthly indicators to help you quickly find the date you need.
  • Includes a future-planning section for the following year, a memo section and a name/address section.
  • Three-year reference calendar page for long-range planning, and an additional page lists important holiday dates over a span of three years.
  • Made entirely of recycled materials.
SKU: HOD25802 Category: Tag:

Full-week view on each one-page spread with open-schedule ruling to accommodate a flexible appointment scheduling. Columnar format provides one column per weekday and one combined column for Saturday and Sunday. Future-planning section for the following year, a memo section and a name/address section, a three-year reference calendar page for long-range planning and an important holiday date list spanning three years. Made entirely of recycled materials. Dated/Undated: Dated; Calendar Format: Weekly; Page Format: One Week per Two-Page Spread; Edition Year: 2024.


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